Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Happy Anniversary Honey!

It's hard to believe it's been 5 years since we were married! So much has happened in those five years... we spent our first three married months on different continents while we waited for the Army to allow me to come live in Germany... we finally began married life together while adjusting to a different country and culture, as well as military life... we spent 11 months apart while Ryan was deployed to Afghanistan, not to mention the months apart for training leading up to the deployment... Ryan lost a good friend in the first five days of his deployment to a land mine and we realized once again how fragile and precious life truly is... we moved to Virginia and established a new life with new friends and new jobs... we grieved through losing a baby early in pregnancy... we were blessed with a wonderful church home in Virginia and amazing supportive friends... and now we've left the military, moved back "home" near our families, are part of an incredible church family, and God has blessed us with a little boy who will be born in a few weeks! It's amazing what five years can bring about - two continents, three different homes, and so much joy amidst the stretching and trying times. God has always given us the grace and the strength for each new phase He has asked us to walk through. It's amazing to look back and see His faithfulness and care for us. Our love has grown stronger with each year and each circumstance. Can't wait for 5...10...50 more years together!!!!

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